Pruning Viburnum Mariesii
Mariesii a special doublefile viburnum plicatum planting your viburnum plicatum v. In summer they are not that attractive so i plant a variety of clematis texensis or clematis viticella at the extremity of the viburnum s canopy.
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Pruning viburnum mariesii!!!
How to prune doublefile viburnum perform thinning of a young or mature doublefile viburnum immediately after it is done flowering. Full sun will produce the best flowering. Viburnum develops its buds the year before they flower. Remove any damaged or diseased branches with pruning shears.It will decorate its host s branches with flowers in summer. All there is to know about viburnum plicatum mariesii. However it never hurts to practice occasional viburnum pruning each year to maintain shape and overall beauty. This shrub prefers well drained loamy slightly acidic soil but has a wide range of tolerance for most soil types.
Avoid locations that. Prune just after the flowers wilt by cutting back the flower heads and correct any misshaping by cutting. Smart tip about mariesii. Non fragrant flowers in flat topped lacecap like clusters bloom in profusion along the branches in april or may.
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