1001+ Ribes Sanguineum Haie
Although the flowers are usually a rosy or pale pink. Sanguineum means blood red referring to the color of the flowers.
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groupe Ribes sanguineum haie!!!
Other common names include pink winter currant and blood currant. Ribes sanguineum plants can be grown from seed that should be sown directly into the garden or coldframe in the fall. You may find plants with flowers ranging from white to a deep red. If you are collecting seeds from your flowering currant be sure to clean the pulp from the seeds thoroughly before storing them.It does not have a wonderful flavour but is tolerable raw. Archibald menzies is regarded as the first european to discover ribes sanguineum which he did in 1793 during his voyage with capt. Grossulariaceae currant family edible parts of flowering currant. The showy flowers in the spring provide nectar to hummingbirds and attract butterflies.
Fruit raw or cooked. About red flowering currant ribes sanguineum 40 nurseries carry this plant add to my plant list. The drooping clusters of light to deep pink flowers are one of the first things to bloom here in the pacific northwest happily corresponding to the time when hummingbirds are in migration to their eventual summer breeding grounds. Across palmately divided 3 5 shallow lobes irregularly toothed upper side slightly hairy underside sparsely hairy to covered with white hair.
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