99+ Deutzia Gracilis Nikko Taille
Le genre deutzia regroupe une soixantaine d espèces dont les plus répandues deutzia gracilis deutzia x magnifica deutzia scabra. Low growing dwarf shrub woody perennial.
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This smaller mounding shrub can be a great addition to a perennial garden and grows well in part shade. Slender deutzia can tip root develop roots where cascading branches touch the soil which means the plant will spread if you let it. Le deutzia appartient à la famille des hydrangeacées anciennement saxifragacées tout comme les hortensias. Les espèces naines tel deutzia gracilis nikko ont leur place en rocaille au sein d un massif de vivaces ou dans un grand pot.This dwarf dense rounded flowering shrub features gracefully arching branches that get covered with abundant clusters of tiny brilliant white flowers in late spring to early summer for 10 14 days. Deutzia gracilis nikko is pictured right a very attractive low growing form that will reach around 2ft tall and spead over 4 6 ft. Originaire de l est de l asie cet arbuste à feuillage caduc pousse naturellement dans les bosquets et les zones boisées de l himalaya. Deutzia gracilis nikko sku 3157 a low growing dwarf shrub with bright green leaves on arching branches that becomes a wonderful and very showy accent when covered by white double blooms in spring.
Deutzia gracilis commonly called slender deutzia is a dense rounded deciduous shrub with slender broadly spreading to arching stems. Nikko deutzia gracilis nikko is a us national arboretum selection that only reaches 2 to 3 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. Ideal for small gardens deutzia gracilis nikko is considered one of the best deutzia cultivars thanks to its great horticultural merits. Deutzia nikko common name.
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