93+ Small Red Barberry
Showy foliage is purple red throughout the summer months then turns a deep amber color in fall. Set your store to see local.
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Small red barberry!!!
This variety is deep purple color and never grows taller than 2 feet 60 cm tall. Excellent color contrast against green or gold leafed plants. Rose glow barberry shrub deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rosepink splashes. Berberis thunbergii crimson pygmy atropurpurea nana sku 1205.Free delivery with 45 order. Noted for its beautiful burgundy summer and fall foliage berberis thunbergii crimson pygmy is a lovely deciduous dwarf shrub with eye catching small obovate deep crimson leaves with a bronze tinge which turn into brilliant red shades in the fall. A dwarf densely branched form displaying deep crimson colored foliage all season long. This deciduous shrub has showy leaves that intensify in the fall.
Red leaf japanese barberry berberis thunbergii atropurpurea sku 1200. It works as a border ground cover or as an ornamental shrub. Best color when planted in full sun. Red barberry shrubs grow 2 to 8 feet tall with 4 to 6 foot spread.
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