96+ Physocarpus Nanus
Physocarpus opulifolius commonly called ninebark is an upright spreading somewhat coarse deciduous missouri native shrub which is closely related to genus spiraea. Smaller than other ninebark varieties summer wine is an easy way to introduce wine colored foliage into the home garden.
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It is fast growing and has few if any pest problems. All of the beauty and durability of a larger physocarpus in a compact dwarf plant. Profuse creamy white flower clusters adorn the foliage in summer. Looking for more places to plant this beauty.They are native to north america and thrive in u s. Physocarpus opulifolius nanus nanus is a smaller mounding form of ninebark with green leaves. Tiny wine physocarpus opulifolius smpotw uspp 26 749 can 5 128. The stunning deep purple foliage of this versatile shrub makes it a standout in the garden.
Noted for its exfoliating bark on mature branches which peels in strips to reveal several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark hence the common name of ninebark. One of our all time and old time favorite shrubs. Ninebarks physocarpus spp are deciduous shrubs known for their colorful leaves arching habit and peeling bark. Planted spring of 2016.
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